Tax Planning

Posted February 16, 2016
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

The primary authoritative support concerning the valuation and reporting and recordkeeping of charitable donations is addressed in the Internal Revenue Service -- Publications 526 and 561.

Posted January 27, 2016

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave.

Posted January 25, 2016
Business Strategies

Perhaps the most significant transaction faced by any business owner is the sale of his or her business. Inevitably, a variety of factors will play a role both before and after consummating the transaction.

Posted January 22, 2016

Over the last several years there has been increased popularity and attention given to “leasing” as a financing alternative over the outright purchase alternative when acquiring an automobile.

Posted January 19, 2016
Tax Tips

In our March 2014 newsletter, we provided a discussion entitled “What Are The Chances of Being Audited.” The article focused on the relative possibility of an audit given different levels of income.

Posted December 28, 2015

For quite some time, jurisdictions have had laws on the books requiring that employers grant employees sick leave without pay. Mandatory compensation while away for sick leave had never really been an issue.

Posted December 22, 2015
Business Strategies

Whether the funding is for kick-starting a great idea for a new business or achieving a competitive advantage that will fuel future growth, little else matters as much as having the cash to make your entrepreneurial dreams a living reality.

Posted December 18, 2015

The idea behind “Ban The Box” is simple: it is a campaign seeking to introduce legislation prohibiting potential employers from asking about an applicant’s criminal background until “later” in the hiring process after consideration of an applicant’s qualifications.

Posted December 15, 2015

The distinction between treating someone as an employee instead of an independent contractor is significant.

Posted November 29, 2015