
Whether or not we’re in a recession or a recession is on the horizon is a debate for pundits and economists. But you don’t have to be a fortune teller to know that a future recession will eventually come. The economy undulates like waves in the sea; sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down.

Posted March 30, 2023
Business Tips

We live in a time when starting and running a home-based business is easier than ever. With a little bit of ingenuity, some seed money and a good internet connection, you can start and run all kinds of home-based businesses. From drop shipping to freelance graphic design to making and selling crafts, it’s all possible.

Posted March 22, 2023
IRS Problems

Being notified that you’re going to be audited is never good news. But it doesn’t have to keep you up at night. Although it can be a stressful and challenging process for you or your business, there are things you can do to prepare mentally, emotionally and in a practical way.

Posted March 14, 2023

The first step in budgeting for the perfect vacation is to be realistic about yourself, your finances and the experience you’re about to have. The budget should be based on your financial resources and your savings goals. But it also needs to take into account that life is for living. Let’s face it. Economizing at home is one thing.

Posted March 5, 2023
Business Strategies

Diversifying your business's revenue streams is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of any organization. Having multiple streams of income means that if one source dries up, the business can still survive on the strength of its other revenue streams.

Posted February 23, 2023
Business Performance

In years past, small business owners found themselves entering facts and figures into ledgers by hand, which took hours and hours to complete. Fortunately, financial software for accounting and bookkeeping has changed things dramatically.

Posted February 15, 2023
Business Performance

Whether you have owned your small business for many years or are an entrepreneur who has just gotten started in the business world, you know today's business environment is more competitive than at any point in history. Because of this, it is vital that you make ongoing financial education for yourself a top priority.

Posted February 8, 2023

When the nation's economy starts to slow down, you as a small business owner cannot help but worry about what lies ahead. As the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated, uncertain economic times can emerge from nowhere in a hurry.

Posted February 1, 2023

Regardless of whether you’re traveling on business or to a vacation spot, there are some smart money moves you can make while on the go. Those moves include pre-authorized transactions, automating payments, and exchanging U.S. dollars for foreign currency. In addition, you can also avoid overdraft charges and hire an accountant.

Posted January 24, 2023

When it comes to your parents, you’ve probably always been able to talk to them about anything. Yet, as you find yourself wanting to have a conversation about estate planning, you may be finding it to be harder than you anticipated. A topic often put off far too long, estate planning is a critical component of any family's financial strategy.

Posted January 17, 2023